This picture tells me a story without me even knowing the score or the opponent or what is really being said…..
Hanny is telling Tanny – Look here Tanny, we have this…..just finish it up.
Holley is smiling at Tanny cause she knows that it is time to Close the Door and that Hanny is right.
Tanny is trying to get the dirt just perfect around the pitching rubber while listening to the pep talk.
Haley is listening and ready for the win.
AND my dear Baylee is smiling thinking that in the entire world this is where she wants to be….and as her mother I am glad that she is there.
I went back and looked to see when this picture was made and it was on May 12, 2011, against Lawrenceburg there AND we won 2-1 after 2 rain delays and much tension.